Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mexican or swine flu – we will survive.
Why is it so necessary to make so much fuss about it and who shall benefit from it? Mental well-being or stress significantly affects the immune response of the body!
Watch this video. It shows the human potential and possible future.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dr. Moulden „Vacciness causing major injury“

At this event, Dr. Moulden will expose the neurological, hematological, and immunological evidence supporting the conclusion that all vaccines carry the risk of major injury leading to chronic diseases and disorders including, but not limited to Autism. The forensic evidence, as he states, is now as easy as "come see for your self." He will explain the mechanism of injury and show evidence that when you “dump” into the blood, it causes blood sludging, which can lead to ischemic strokes and many problems plaguing our children. His findings are now in the US Vaccine courts.
You will not want to miss this historical event where the science cannot be denied and the truth about toxic vaccines will be exposed!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Scientists found nano-thermite in the dust from the World Trade Center.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Economic crisis can be basically dated since the fall of the Twin Towers. Sept. 11th, 2001 brought much more than we had ever anticipated.

Picture link
The real price of goods can provide a real picture of our economy. Where it is currently and what can influence it. In 2001, after 100 years of relative stability, something happened with real prices. They were increasing rapidly. See the picture.
That is very likely the place from where the financial and economic crisis started to evolve. The graph at the top says that the prices, financial and economic stability had been disrupted by something very significant. The only thing the market does not like is instability. It can easily deal with everything else. Note a similar jump in the chart after Pearl Harbor. Open entry into the war against Germany and Japan had followed shortly after. That jump came after a deep crisis. In 2001, however, the jump came in natural stability of prices over the past 50 years.
The media is trying to sell us the information that the crisis started by the mortgage market crisis. Our graph, however, suggests that the crisis had been started by something more complex from the outside. Most probable explanation is that the market received a huge amount of money that undermined the value of goods and services. It could have probably affected the real estate business, but that was just the beginning.
Who decided that so much money shall be printed and what for? To finance the war against Iraq? To finance the changes in society after the Twin Towers collapse? Preparations to change the world order? Preparations for new ruling of the world, which has even been openly mentioned by Barrack Obama in his speeches? These issues I shall leave open for now...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Jay Rockefeller : "Internet should have never been invented"
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Past, present and future of the financial and economic crisis

For the past couple of thousand years, we have always known that the Western civilization has been divided into two major camps, which have been fighting against each other. Sometimes openly, and sometimes in secret.
Nowadays, for about the last 100 years, we have representatives of these two camps impersonalized in the U.S.A. and Russia.
If we want to look at the current financial and economic crisis, we need to review the whole past of the fight of these two powers. In 1917 the Communists came to power in Russia. The idea of equality in wealth came handy for people in war-struck Europe. Hungry man needs to eat at any cost; which was well-known to Communists. So that was the right time for the ideology. Another idea to expand Communism throughout the world did not wait for long.
But what about the U.S., which had not experienced such a complete war-wreck? What about simulating similar wreckage, but within its own states? In 1929, some banks started to keep money in their accounts. Subsequently, the system of borrowing money mainly for the purchase of shares of enterprises became compromised. Thus, financing of the whole stock market was threatened, which subsequently resulted in the well-known market breakdown. And the economic crisis of the 20th century started.
Today we are experiencing a similar but opposite pattern, when, in the year 2001; famous for the Twin Towers, a huge amount of money came into circulation. Money not backed by anything. In Russia it is not possible to create a crisis, as it was at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA. The power in Russia is directed from above and everything is known. Russia can be overcome, just like a bear, only by tiring it.
Who plays with the funds in the bank accounts and launches a wave of financial and economic crisis? It is all the same whether it means stopping money taps or issuing money into circulation. The outcome is always the same - crisis which may give arise to a new establishment. New age.
Russia had used its potential in 1917 and gradually occupied half of Europe by communism. If they had not been stopped by fast-growing Germany, communism would certainly take over the whole of Europe. What happened later in prosperous Germany, we know. It also tried to capture and exploit the potential of Europe and so deprive Russia of its power status. I do not even wish to imagine the consequences of such doing.
Will the new period have a nickname of freedom, or will it be the old song of extremism?
What are the other options and how not to lose huge amount of money in this game of Patriots in the coming times, that shall be the topic of my next message.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
To pay for hope - what a brilliant idea. Ponzi was first.

Since the crisis in the 30's of last century, much has changed though. Fewer and fewer people are fooled directly through hope. It seems that it was necessary to create another source of quick takes. Ponzi scheme can he used on national budgets, care for those, who are “sick” or global climate changes. That you do not know how? It is very simple.
Fear of disease brings hope in the form of vaccinations, fear of the economic crisis brings hope in the form of economic packages, and fear of the ozone hole and global warming brings hope in the form of environmental measures.
For years there have been companies arising, with the so-called “great players” who shall decide on the hope of mankind. However, will they be interested whether we need any vaccinations or any economic packages sent from the above to save something, or whether any ecological measures are really effective?
Poznis´ will always be in our society. The point is whether we can detect them and whether we can stop their boom.
The names of the “great players” may be brought next time.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Most porn downloads are located in conservative states in the U.S.

American scientist Benjamin Edelman compared data on purchasers of pornographic films with casework research. Most downloads are found in those areas, where people present views that lead to a feeling, that they are rather against it.
The basis for the research of Benjamin Edelman of Harvard Business School, were the data from one of the largest makers of pornographic content. He provided him with anonymised data on credit cards, which are used for purchases of movies with erotic content. The data were then compared with public opinion surveys on the views of people of different ends of the USA.
Most porn downloads are done by the Conservatives
Differences between individual states and U.S. regions are not large, but most candidates are from areas dominated by people with conservative views.
Some of the findings Benjamin Edelman study:
• In the twenty-seven U.S. states that strictly prohibit gay unions, eleven percent more pornography is downloaded here, than in the states where such unions are not so strictly prohibited.
• Eight of the ten states with the greatest amount of pornography downloads, voted in the last election for John McCain.
• Six of the ten countries where pornography was downloaded least, voted for Barack Obama in recent elections.
Those who argue that AIDS is God´s punishment, download porno most
Edelman compared data on credit card porn candidates with data from a survey in which Americans had to answer whether they agree with the statement: "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage". In areas where the answer was "Yes", they buy a 3.6-times more pornography per thousand citizens then in areas where the majority had nswered "No". Similar survey regarding the sentence: "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behaviour", provided similar results.
What was impossible in the past, is now the norm. Bury one's head in the sand to escape the reality does not make sense. See the serpent in the eye can change our future.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Homelessness growing - tent cities springing up around the country
Sacramento, California
LA, California
Ontario, California
Richmond, California
Seattle, Washington
Jail, Arizona
Reno, Nevada
Nashville, Tennessee
Miami, Florida
Eugene, Oregon
Cleveland, Ohio
Monday, March 16, 2009
Obama deception.?!
Official info:
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It is possible that Israel will be tried for war crimes in Gaza

This would also mean an important gesture towards the Gaza conflict. The court's head of jurisdictions (part of the office of the prosecutor) is examining all signed international agreements signed by the Palestinian Authority, in order to determine whether it acts like a State.
After talks with Arab League chief Amre Moussa and high officials of the Palestinian Authority, The Hague Court shall issue a decision whether it can deal with presented war crimes. This decision shall be issued within a few coming months.
International Criminal Court, whose members are 108 world countries, has not recognized Palestine as a sovereign state, nor a member state yet.
Examination of the Court is the result of more than 220 complaints received by the court for the conduct of Israel in Gaza.
The Red Cross is collecting all information regarding the conflict and is leading a double parallel investigation. It supervises the behavior of Israel as well as the behavior of Hamas.
In the case of Israel, the Red Cross shall highlight three areas of concern: the use of weapons in complex and densely populated areas, inadequacy of military actions, and lack of distinguishing between soldiers and civilians. Hamas will be criticized for using civilian buildings to shelter their soldiers, executions without trial and firing of rockets to civilian areas.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The darkest spot is always hidden under a lamp - chemtrials phenomenon

Tactics, stating that “a hundred times repeated lie becomes true”, is met in our lives all the time. The chemtrials phenomenon seems to be no exception. Even Hollywood takes care to decrease our sensitivity to information about chemtrials, which leaks out to public.
The chemtrials phenomenon is based on sky observations during aircrafts’ flights. It used to be possible to determine the plane’s flight height according to the manner of air condensation to steam by the plane jets. Lately it was heard that the scattering of “steam” is too long, almost unnatural. That would mean that planes are flying way too high and so on. That seems to give rise to speculations that planes’ fuel tanks must contain other substances except for fuel, or that something strange has happened to our atmosphere in the last few years. Howsoever, neither of these speculations bring calm mind. A problem may occur when those people, who shall be competent to deal with these matters, pretend to be blind and do not see that, and there is no relevant report or research explaining what is actually going on.
Oficial info about the movie:
For years the government has been involved in a secret operation involving contrails - the visible lines of condensed water vapor that jets leave in the sky. If you asked them, they would suggest that this is done in the name of environmental protection as a safeguard that will alleviate global warming by reflecting sunlight back into the atmosphere. The real truth: These contrails are actually a toxic substance, or virus, deliberately sprayed upon an unsuspecting populace in order to "weed out the old and the sick". As Seattle's hospitals begin filling up with patients suffering from a deadly sickness, Dr. Tess Martin, a specialist from the Global Health Association, embarks on a mission to find the truth. Before long, the virus spreads like wildfire and becomes a full-on epidemic, with Tess' own 10-year-old son now among the infected. With over 70 percent of Seattle dying from the virus, Tess and her son's only chance of survival is to get out of the city and find a cure, but the President has declared a national emergency and quarantined all of Seattle -- nobody is allowed out, and nobody is allowed in. When the President passes a bill allowing the use of military force to keep Seattle from spreading the virus, it's up to Tess to find a way to break free of the city in order to find a cure and expose the government's deadly conspiracy.
There are plenty of sources considering chemtrials to be dangerous or even calling the situation a conspiracy. These sources outnumber those which try to explain certain changes in our sky and who knows where else.
For more information to complete this puzzle, check: