Tactics, stating that “a hundred times repeated lie becomes true”, is met in our lives all the time. The chemtrials phenomenon seems to be no exception. Even Hollywood takes care to decrease our sensitivity to information about chemtrials, which leaks out to public.
The chemtrials phenomenon is based on sky observations during aircrafts’ flights. It used to be possible to determine the plane’s flight height according to the manner of air condensation to steam by the plane jets. Lately it was heard that the scattering of “steam” is too long, almost unnatural. That would mean that planes are flying way too high and so on. That seems to give rise to speculations that planes’ fuel tanks must contain other substances except for fuel, or that something strange has happened to our atmosphere in the last few years. Howsoever, neither of these speculations bring calm mind. A problem may occur when those people, who shall be competent to deal with these matters, pretend to be blind and do not see that, and there is no relevant report or research explaining what is actually going on.
Oficial info about the movie:
For years the government has been involved in a secret operation involving contrails - the visible lines of condensed water vapor that jets leave in the sky. If you asked them, they would suggest that this is done in the name of environmental protection as a safeguard that will alleviate global warming by reflecting sunlight back into the atmosphere. The real truth: These contrails are actually a toxic substance, or virus, deliberately sprayed upon an unsuspecting populace in order to "weed out the old and the sick". As Seattle's hospitals begin filling up with patients suffering from a deadly sickness, Dr. Tess Martin, a specialist from the Global Health Association, embarks on a mission to find the truth. Before long, the virus spreads like wildfire and becomes a full-on epidemic, with Tess' own 10-year-old son now among the infected. With over 70 percent of Seattle dying from the virus, Tess and her son's only chance of survival is to get out of the city and find a cure, but the President has declared a national emergency and quarantined all of Seattle -- nobody is allowed out, and nobody is allowed in. When the President passes a bill allowing the use of military force to keep Seattle from spreading the virus, it's up to Tess to find a way to break free of the city in order to find a cure and expose the government's deadly conspiracy.
There are plenty of sources considering chemtrials to be dangerous or even calling the situation a conspiracy. These sources outnumber those which try to explain certain changes in our sky and who knows where else.
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