American scientist Benjamin Edelman compared data on purchasers of pornographic films with casework research. Most downloads are found in those areas, where people present views that lead to a feeling, that they are rather against it.
The basis for the research of Benjamin Edelman of Harvard Business School, were the data from one of the largest makers of pornographic content. He provided him with anonymised data on credit cards, which are used for purchases of movies with erotic content. The data were then compared with public opinion surveys on the views of people of different ends of the USA.
Most porn downloads are done by the Conservatives
Differences between individual states and U.S. regions are not large, but most candidates are from areas dominated by people with conservative views.
Some of the findings Benjamin Edelman study:
• In the twenty-seven U.S. states that strictly prohibit gay unions, eleven percent more pornography is downloaded here, than in the states where such unions are not so strictly prohibited.
• Eight of the ten states with the greatest amount of pornography downloads, voted in the last election for John McCain.
• Six of the ten countries where pornography was downloaded least, voted for Barack Obama in recent elections.
Those who argue that AIDS is God´s punishment, download porno most
Edelman compared data on credit card porn candidates with data from a survey in which Americans had to answer whether they agree with the statement: "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage". In areas where the answer was "Yes", they buy a 3.6-times more pornography per thousand citizens then in areas where the majority had nswered "No". Similar survey regarding the sentence: "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behaviour", provided similar results.
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