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The real price of goods can provide a real picture of our economy. Where it is currently and what can influence it. In 2001, after 100 years of relative stability, something happened with real prices. They were increasing rapidly. See the picture.
That is very likely the place from where the financial and economic crisis started to evolve. The graph at the top says that the prices, financial and economic stability had been disrupted by something very significant. The only thing the market does not like is instability. It can easily deal with everything else. Note a similar jump in the chart after Pearl Harbor. Open entry into the war against Germany and Japan had followed shortly after. That jump came after a deep crisis. In 2001, however, the jump came in natural stability of prices over the past 50 years.
The media is trying to sell us the information that the crisis started by the mortgage market crisis. Our graph, however, suggests that the crisis had been started by something more complex from the outside. Most probable explanation is that the market received a huge amount of money that undermined the value of goods and services. It could have probably affected the real estate business, but that was just the beginning.
Who decided that so much money shall be printed and what for? To finance the war against Iraq? To finance the changes in society after the Twin Towers collapse? Preparations to change the world order? Preparations for new ruling of the world, which has even been openly mentioned by Barrack Obama in his speeches? These issues I shall leave open for now...
Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.